NIGHT IN THE BRUME for Piano cover Terry:D from FINAL FANTASY XIV : HEAVENSWARD sheetmusic 11월 01, 2016 arrange ff14 ffxiv ffxiv piano ffxiv piano arrange final fantasy ishgard night theme main theme piano piano cover piano version sheetmusic +
"THE LOST CITY OF AMDAPOR" Theme for Piano solo Terry:D from FINAL FANTASY XIV (sheetmusic) 10월 28, 2016 amdapor arrange ff14 ffxiv ffxiv piano ffxiv piano arrange final fantasy piano piano cover sheetmusic the lost city of amdapor the scars of battle +
OMINOUS PROGNISTICKS(不吉なる前兆) for Piano solo Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward Boss Theme (Sheetmusic) 10월 25, 2016 arrange boss theme dungeon main boss theme ff14 ffxiv ffxiv piano final fantasy heavensward boss music ominous prognisticks piano piano cover sheetmusic +
EORZEA DE CHOCOBO for Piano solo From FINAL FANTASY XIV ( Terry:D) sheetmusic 10월 23, 2016 arrange chocobo chocobo song eorzea de chocobo ff14 ffxiv ffxiv piano ffxiv tranport system final fantasy piano piano cover pianosheet sheetmusic +
ETERNAL WIND from FINAL FANTASY III (Orchestral Cover Terry:D) /ファイナルファンタジー III /悠久の風 10월 19, 2016 arrange crystal tower eternal wind ff iii ff14 ff3 ffxiv ffxiv piano final fantasy orchestra orchestral cover piano piano cover sheetmusic terry:D terryd +
MAELSTROM COMMAND for Piano solo Terry:D from FINAL FANTASY XIV piano sheetmusic 9월 29, 2016 arrange ff14 ffxiv ffxiv piano final fantasy limsa lominsa maelstrom command piano piano cover piano sheetmusic sheetmusic +
"NEMESIS"for Piano solo Terry:D from FINAL FANTASY XIV(ネメシス) 9월 23, 2016 arrange dungeon boss ff14 ffxiv ffxiv piano final fantasy main boss theme nemesis piano piano arrange piano cover sheetmusic +
A FINE DEATH ( 名誉に賭けて ) - FFXIV OST - Piano solo ( Terry:D) sheetmusic 9월 20, 2016 a fine death arrange boss theme ff14 ffxiv ffxiv piano final fantasy mini piano piano cover piano sheetmusic sheetmusic +
Final Fantasy XIV -Torn from the Heavens (Piano solo - Arr. by Terry:D) / 天より降りし力 sheetmusic 9월 13, 2016 arrange ff14 ffxiv ffxiv piano final fantasy piano piano cover piano sheetmusic sheetmusic torn from the heavens +