FFXIV Shadowbringers Boss theme for piano (We Fall) 칠흑의반역자 보스테마 피아노 악보.

 I listened to this music and worked on it before Shadowbringers came out on Korean server. I didn't know the story at all, I didn't know the title of the song... (I don't know yet...) I just knew it was a boss theme, so I started working on it right away. 

 The melody that I heard in the teaser video is included. Now that I've finished all the main quests, I know most of the songs, but there's no place where this theme doesn't come from here and there. In some touching or sad places, this theme comes out as a slow tempo piano. The theme comes out quickly and energetically in an atmosphere of fighting. Soken's theme spinning is great. They maintain unity while setting the mood of the scene to perfection. 

------------------------------------------ Licensed via Soundrop iTunes -https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/terry-d/1187433858 Google Play Music- https://play.google.com/store/music/artist/Terry_D?id=Abjirc3dktwnjf7ejrhwray23gm Spotify-https://open.spotify.com/artist/2i31xMc0dPb31krebWvuKM Deeser-http://www.deezer.com/ko/artist/12203192 AMAZON-https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B06XD7TG7L?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Terry%3AD&index=digital-music&search-type=ss Website (SHEETMUSIC) - https://www.terrydmusic.com/ E-Mail - skseoflal@naver.com ------------------------------------------- Composed by Masayoshi Soken Arranged by Terry:D
